
Please feel free to leave comments here.


  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! Can't wait for positively everything! The next 185 days are going to be so exciting and July 23rd will be completely amazing. Thank you so much for including us. xoxo All our love, Kristen and Jason

  2. So exciting! Can't wait to celebrate with you! Love, Meg & Mark

  3. Can't waaaait for the big event! I loved the story about you two on here. Enjoy your engagement chapter, before you know it you'll be hitched! I'm bursting with excitement to help you celebrate in July. Much love, Kari & Ben (+Myla)

  4. Hey y'all, I have officially saved the date. This will be so much fun! I can't wait to celebrate with you both. -Erik I.

  5. Dear Kathleen and John:
    I am so excited for you both! Please give me a job to do!

  6. John Thornton2/8/11, 11:11 AM

    Congrats you two. I can't wait for the wedding, as the Man of Honor I am truly excited. See you both soon in Boston.

  7. Dear Kathleen & Johathan,
    We are so excited about your upcoming marriage and looking forward to celebrating with you, your friends & family.
    Diane & Francis

  8. is there some kind of typo? under events, where's the pick-up basketball game? 'cause i'm not seeing it. not to make this all about me, but i think you promised me a game of basketball.

    from an email sent jan 9: "make sure to bring your sneakers, there will be bball. oh yes, there will be bball."

  9. Dear Kathleen and Jonathan, Nina and myself wish you a great day and ofcourse a great life together after that day! We will not attend the ceremony in Boston, but hope to meet you and you husband somewhere in the near future, be it in USA or NL. Much love and best wishes. By the way, we thought Artists for Humanity is a wonderful project and donated to them. Nina and Martien Limburg, Amsterdam

  10. Hi love birds! Matt and I are so happy for you, and we can't wait for this weekend. Thank you for including us in your special day. Enjoy EVERY second. We heart you :)

  11. Valerie Evans7/22/11, 5:24 AM

    Hi there! I just wanted to wish my sincere congratulations to the happy couple. I pray good health and long life together. Kathleen, I hope to meet you in the near future. All the best!!!
